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The COMSA website is not functioning due to server failure, etc. and cannot be accessed, making it impossible to deposit and withdraw crypto assets from the COMSA wallet.
Unable to deposit or withdraw crypto assets from COMSA wallet due to some blockchain failure.
Loss of crypto assets due to misunderstandings, errors, or other inappropriate withdrawal procedures from the COMSA wallet.
Loss of crypto assets due to misunderstandings, errors, or other inappropriate deposit procedures into the COMSA wallet.
Loss of crypto assets due to deterioration of external storage media on which mnemonic passphrases, passwords, etc. were recorded.
Loss of crypto assets due to loss of external storage media on which mnemonic passphrase passwords, etc. were recorded
The terminal used as a COMSA wallet, such as a PC or a cell phone, and the memo of the mnemonic, passphrase, password, etc., were destroyed in a fire, and the wallet became unrecoverable and the crypto assets in the wallet could not be retrieved.
Loss of crypto assets due to loss of transcribed notes such as mnemonic, passphrases and passwords.
Loss of crypto assets due to inadvertent disclosure of mnemonic, passphrase, passwords, etc. to others.
Loss of crypto assets due to entering mnemonic, passphrase, passwords, etc. on fake websites.
Loss of crypto assets due to unauthorized access to user terminals such as a PC and a cell phone.