If you want to "sell UNIQUE/BUNDLE", "buy UNIQUE/BUNDLE", or "endorse UNIQUE" on COMSA, please create a COMSA account.
Select the Sign Up tab and enter your email address.
Click the "Send to" button, and a confirmation email will be sent to the address you entered.
※This is not a COMSA (token sale) account, you will need to create a COMSA (UNIQUE/BUNDLE) account.
You will receive an email asking you to verify your email address.
Click on the URL to open the "Register" screen. Enter the necessary information, read the terms of use carefully, and click the "Confirm" button. Please keep your password and e-mail address in a safe place so that they will not be leaked to a third party.
Nickname:Create a half-width alphanumeric character (to be used as your account name)
Password:Make a password with at least 8 characters (used for login)
Terms of Use/Privacy Policy: Please read carefully and agree to the terms before using the service.