When you access the COMSA wallet for the first time with your current browser, you can select "Create COSMA Wallet" or "Import COMSA Wallet".
※The same screen will appear when you clear your browser cache.
If you want to create a wallet, select "Import Mnemoinc".
Enter the password you want to use for the wallet you are importing, re-enter the password, enter a password hint, enter the mnemonic password that was displayed when you created the wallet, and click the NEXT button to go to the next step.
*When importing mnemonic password, you will have to enter them one by one, not by selecting them.
Please enter the mnemonic password in the correct order to avoid spelling mistakes.
Please read and agree to the cautionary statement, COMSA Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy. Click the "Finish" button to create the COSMA wallet.